Karar Mhoder

Senior Editor & Motion graphics designer

مسلسل عالم الست وهيبة - الجزء الثاني
VFX, CGI, De Ageing
Motion Graphics For Bilad Al-Safari
Motion Graphics, Editing, Infographic
البوم آدم الاخير - عارف الساعدي
Motion Graphics, Graphic Design, Collage
مسلسل كاتم على قناة الشرقية
Visual Effects, Editing
محتوى خابط
Visual Effects, Motion Graphics
B-Marketers Event
Editing, Film, Motion Graphics
Skills on Sales
Visual Effects, Editing
Cinema & TV Festival 37# - مهرجان السينما والتلفزيون
Branding, Motion Graphics, Poster Design
قط احمر 3
Visual Effects, Editing
محمد الحلفي - اسرارك
Video Clip - فيديو كليب نهاية حب
Social media graphic designes
Graphic Design
Iraqi Health expo - Motion graphics
Infographic, Motion Graphics, Drawing
Motion graphics aljazeera
Motion Graphics, Concept Art, Editing
Motion graphic video for IOT agency
Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Advertising
Web UI design "Koolshey Sama3na"
Graphic Design, UI/UX, Motion Graphics
UI & UX Design for koolshey shasha
Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, UI/UX
عريان السيد خلف
Graphic Design, Photography
جلجل علية الرمان
Graphic Design, Photography
يا قمرا يطلع كل مساء من نافذة الكلمات
Graphic Design, Photography
عني شتعرف انت وعن معاناتي
Graphic Design, Photography
مظفر النواب
Graphic Design, Photography
الانسان الحرباء
Photography, Graphic Design
بنت الرمال
Graphic Design
الف ليلة وليلة
Graphic Design, Illustration
ابو الطيب المتنبي
Graphic Design
collage art for Baghdad explosion
ام الاهوار
Graphic Design, Photography
Chalchal alya alROMAN
Collage, Photography, Fine Arts
khadry alchay khadry
Collage, Fine Arts, Photography
Collage, Concept Art, Fine Arts
Peace upon Beirut
Concept Art, Collage, Fine Arts
Alek Asal
Photography, Collage, Motion Graphics
Mehana Mehana
Collage, Photography
Under the rubble
Collage, Motion Graphics, Concept Art
Photography, Collage, Fine Arts
amshy behadawa ya 7elw in collage
Collage, Motion Graphics, Graphic Design
Graphic Design, Collage, Concept Art
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